What is Tradie Athlete?
Tradie Athlete recognises that workers who are doing physical jobs are often more active than many athletes training for competition.
Tradie Athlete understands that not only do physical workers not see themselves as athletes but also that behavior change is more likely to happen when physical workers reframe themselves as athletes and adopt more productive behaviours such as optimising movement (skill), nutrition (fuel) and recovery strategies.
Are you a Tradie Athlete
Want to learn more about how you can work more efficiently?
Are you an employer?
Want to learn more about how you can promote healthy habits in your Tradie Athletes?
What We Offer:
1. Moving like an athlete
2. Fueling like an athlete (Tradie Fuel)
3. Recovery like an athlete
4. Sleep like an athlete
5. Effects of stress and how to manage it
6. Trade fit and Trade Strong- optimising health and fitness for already physical workers
7. Injury triage, and work demands assessment for implementing return to work plans for injured 'tradie athletes'.
8. Research on work demands, energy expenditure, productivity and fitness of 'tradie athletes'.